(1) The two best players cannot be on the same team. Then, they draw odd-even and choose teams.
(1) Os dois melhores não podem estar no mesmo time. Logo, eles tiram par-impar e escolhem os times.
(2) Being chosen last was a great humiliation.
(2) Ser escolhido por último era uma grande humilhação.
(3) One team played without a shirt and the other with a shirt.
(3) Um time jogava sem camisa e o outro com camisa.
(4) The worst on each team was the goalkeeper, unless there was someone who liked to tackle.
(4) O pior de cada time era o goleiro, a não ser que tivesse alguém que gostasse de agarrar.
(5) If no one agreed to be a goalkeeper, a rotation was adopted: each person would play until they conceded a goal.
(5) Se ninguém aceitava ser goleiro, adotava-se um rodízio: cada um agarrava até sofrer um gol.
(6) When there was a penalty, the bad goalkeeper would leave and a good one would come in just to try to catch the penalty.
(6) Quando tinha um pênalti, saia o goleiro ruim e entrava um bom só para tentar pegar a cobrança.
(7) The worst on each side were in defense.
(7) Os piores de cada lado ficavam na zaga.
(8) The owner of the ball always played on the same team as the best player.
(8) O dono da bola jogava sempre no mesmo time do melhor jogador.
(9) There was no judge.
(9) Não tinha juiz.
(10) Fouls were called by shouting: if you were hit, you screamed as if you had broken a leg and got the foul.
(10) As faltas eram marcadas no grito: se você fosse atingido, gritava como se tivesse quebrado uma perna e conseguir a falta.
(11) If you were on the pitch and the ball went out the side, you shouted “it’s ours” and caught the ball as quickly as possible to take the kick (this rule also applied to the “corner”).
(11) Se você estáva no lance e a bola saia pela lateral, gritava “ é nossa” e pegava a bola o mais rápido possível para fazer a cobrança (essa regra também se aplicava ao “escanteio”).
(12) Injuries such as tearing off the cap of the big toe, scraping the knee, bleeding nose and others were normal. For that, there was Merthiolate (which burned like hell).
(12) Lesões como arrancar a tampa do dedão do pé, ralar o joelho, sangrar o nariz e outras eram normais. Pra isso existia o Merthiolate ( que ardia igual inferno).
(13) Whoever kicked the ball away had to go get it.
(13) Quem chutava a bola para longe tinha que ir buscar.
(14) Controversial bids were resolved by shouting or, if applicable, by beating.
(14) Lances polêmicos eram resolvidos no grito ou, se fosse o caso, na pancada.
(15) The match ended when everyone was tired, when it got dark, or when the mother of the owner of the ball told him to go home; or that neighbor would catch the ball that fell on her house or cut the ball.
(15) A partida acabava quando todos estavam cansados, quando anoitecia, ou quando a mãe do dono da bola mandava ele ir pra casa; ou aquela vizinha prendia a bola que caia na casa dela ou cortava bola.
(16) Even if it was 15 x 0, the match ended with “whoever does, wins”.
(16) Mesmo que estivesse 15 x 0, a partida acabava com o “quem faz, ganha”.
(17) Lower street versus upper street for a bottle of Coca-Cola....
(17) Rua de baixo contra rua de cima valendo garrafa de Coca-Cola....
(18) Even if it rained heavily, there would certainly be football.
(18) Mesmo que chova forte, certamente haveria futebol.
(19) The famous cry “Stop stop ” when a car or a pregnant woman, or with a child, came passing by.
(19) O famoso grito “paroooou” quando vinha carro ou uma mulher grávida, ou com criança, passando perto da pelada.
(20) There was no such thing as Adidas; Nike...It was Kichute or he played barefoot. And the goalkeeper wasn't wearing gloves; He was wearing Hawaiian flip-flops in his hand.
(20) Não existia essa de Adidas; Nike...Era Kichute ou jogava descalso. E o goleiro não usava luvas; usava era chinelo havaianas na mão.
Did it remind you of your childhood!!?? So you were a normal child... Old times that never come back. ONLY KNOW HOW GOOD IT WAS THOSE WHO HAD THIS EXPERIENCE.
Lembrou tua infância!!??
Então fostes uma criança normal...
Velhos tempos que não voltam mais.